Sept 10, 2024

I decided to take some homemade dishes to Vicky's house  this morning. Therefore today was a bit busy. I woke up at 7:30a.m and dropped Wing to her workplace. And then Theo and I were walking to the park which is near by her workplace. Around 10:30a.m, I took my homemade foods and drove to Vicky's house directly. Lucky the traffic was so smooth, I don't need to spent too much time on the road. 

I glad that Vicky at home and she can took the foods to home so quickly. Yes I just dropped off the foods in front of door instead to give her directly. I think this was a better way to show my support. I will wait when she is ready to hang out or facing people.

And then I went to shopping alone. I already had a shopping list before I went to Vicky's house. I bought a lot of foods back to home such as a frozen dim sum, grocery things. Last stop I  went to a food court in shopping Mall to buy a Chinese foods before I drove back to home. I'm so expected the meals for tonight.

CHATGPT version:

I decided to take some homemade dishes to Vicky’s house this morning, so today was a bit busy. I woke up at 7:30 a.m. and dropped Wing off at her workplace. Then Theo and I walked to the park, which is nearby. Around 10:30 a.m., I took my homemade food and drove directly to Vicky’s house. Fortunately, the traffic was smooth, so I didn’t have to spend too much time on the road.

I was glad that Vicky was at home and could take the food inside quickly. I just dropped the food in front of the door instead of handing it to her directly. I thought this was a better way to show my support. I will wait until she is ready to hang out or see people.

After that, I went shopping alone. I had already made a shopping list before going to Vicky’s house. I bought a lot of food, including frozen dim sum and other groceries. My last stop was a food court in the shopping mall, where I bought some Chinese food before driving back home. I’m really looking forward to the meals tonight.

POLISHED version:

This morning, I decided to bring some homemade dishes to Vicky’s house, which made for a busy day. I woke up at 7:30 a.m. and dropped Wing off at her workplace. Afterwards, Theo and I took a walk to a nearby park. By 10:30 a.m., I packed up my homemade food and drove directly to Vicky’s house. Fortunately, the traffic was smooth, so I didn’t spend too much time on the road.

I was relieved to find that Vicky was home and could quickly bring the food inside. I left the dishes in front of her door rather than handing them to her directly, thinking this would be a more considerate way to show my support. I’ll wait until she’s ready to hang out or entertain guests.

Afterward, I went shopping on my own. I had prepared a shopping list before visiting Vicky’s house and ended up buying a variety of items, including frozen dim sum and other groceries. My final stop was a food court in the mall, where I grabbed some Chinese food before heading back home. I’m eagerly looking forward to tonight’s meals.

