Sept 17, 2024

 Today is a Mid-autumn festival, but I didn't feel any festival vibe in Canada especially we are not lived in Asian regions. 

Moody today, so i make it short. I keep a diary at 3p.m today, because I'm a quite busy in the morning. I called to Bell and try to cancel the TV app service again which I had called a fews time since July. Each call, the representative said it was succeed to cancel the service. Eventually the bill is still charging me the service which is so annoying. 

CHATGPT version:

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I didn’t feel any festive vibes here in Canada, especially since we don’t live in an Asian community.

I'm feeling moody today, so I'll keep this short. I wrote in my diary at 3 p.m. because I was quite busy this morning. I called Bell again to try to cancel the TV app service, which I’ve been trying to do since July. Each time I called, the representative assured me that the cancellation was successful, but I’m still being charged for the service, which is incredibly annoying.

POLISHED version:

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I didn’t feel much of a festive atmosphere here in Canada, especially since we don’t live in an Asian community.

I'm feeling a bit down today, so I'll keep this brief. I made an entry in my diary at 3 p.m. because I was quite busy this morning. I called Bell again to cancel the TV app service, a process I’ve been attempting since July. Despite assurances from each representative that the cancellation was successful, I’m still being charged for the service, which is extremely frustrating.

