Sept 15, 2024

 Today is Sunday and Wing took Theo for a morning walk, so I had a relaxing morning. We had frozen dim sum for breakfast. Even it was frozen food, it was so tasty and delicious. This is a must have items to keep in our fridge. 

We have a plan to go to Erindale park to watch a salmon's return today. Last year we went in the wrong season, I hope we can see it this time.

 The best season to watch a salmon's return is between mid and end of September. There are several places can watch in Toronto, we choose the one close by our home which takes 20 mins drive. We have visiting this park many times with Theo, it is nice place to hike and enjoy a nature.

CHATGPT version:

Today is Sunday, and Wing took Theo for a morning walk, so I had a relaxing start to the day. We had frozen dim sum for breakfast. Even though it was frozen, it was so tasty and delicious. This is a must-have item to keep in our fridge.

We plan to go to Erindale Park to watch the salmon return today. Last year, we went in the wrong season, so I hope we can see them this time.

The best time to watch the salmon return is between mid and late September. There are several places to watch in Toronto, but we chose the one closest to our home, which is a 20-minute drive away. We have visited this park many times with Theo; it is a nice place to hike and enjoy nature.

POLISHED version:

Today is Sunday, and Wing took Theo for a morning walk, giving me a chance to enjoy a relaxing start to the day. We had frozen dim sum for breakfast, and despite being frozen, it was incredibly tasty and delicious. It’s definitely a must-have item for our freezer.

We plan to visit Erindale Park today to watch the salmon return. Last year, we went during the wrong season, so I’m hoping we’ll have better luck this time.

The optimal time to see the salmon return is between mid and late September. There are several viewing spots in Toronto, but we’ve chosen the one closest to home, which is about a 20-minute drive away. We’ve visited this park many times with Theo; it’s a lovely spot for hiking and enjoying nature. 

