Sept 12, 2024

 Recently Theo didn't want to sleep in his crate, we need to lure him get into the crate every night. We just allowed him to sleep with human twice a week. 

Theo was sleeping with me last night and I slept not bad surprisingly,  despite he had walked around at the room.  This morning he was using his kisses to wake me up, how smart is he. All human are smelting and falling with the doggie. 

I was skipped a noon dog walk , because the temperature is going up at noon this week.  Thus, I will plan to go for grocery later. 

CHATGPT version:

Recently, Theo hasn't wanted to sleep in his crate, so we need to lure him into it every night. We’ve only allowed him to sleep with us twice a week.

Theo slept with me last night, and surprisingly, I slept quite well despite him walking around the room. This morning, he used his kisses to wake me up—how smart of him! Everyone seems to melt and fall for his charm.

I skipped the noon dog walk today because the temperature has been rising at noon this week. I plan to go grocery shopping later instead.

Advanced version:

Recently, Theo has been reluctant to sleep in his crate, so we've had to coax him into it each night. We've only allowed him to sleep with us twice a week.

Last night, Theo slept with me, and to my surprise, I actually slept quite well despite him roaming around the room. This morning, he woke me up with his kisses—such a clever pup! Everyone seems to be completely charmed by him.

I skipped the noon dog walk today due to the rising temperatures this week. Instead, I plan to go grocery shopping later.

