Sept 9, 2024

I was collapsed after a few drinks last night. I'm not strong and positive mind as much as I thought. It may not much sunny day recently that cause me depression. Never mind I'm lying on God, He will direct me to a right and better way. 

Oh, I need to keep record that Theo's first time swimming performance. We took him to swimming pool yesterday morning. I glad that it was sunny and not chilly when he was swimming. 

His schedule was 11a.m to 11:30a.m . we arrived in 20 minutes early for registration. After the registration, we got a bag of dog stuff included one bag of treats. Each pet was only allowed  one companion to the pool, so I had colour collier to identify to entry the pool. 

The pool water was so warm surprisingly, but Theo hadn't enjoy that moment even a lot of same size dogs there. He was scared and refused to get close in the pool. Actually it only three dogs were swimming, other dogs were running and chasing each other at the pool side. 

After his swimming, we were stayed an half hour to shop around those booths and waited for watching the big dogs to swim. They were totally a different scene, most of them were willing to swim or jumping to the pool. 

When we were back home, we need to give him a bath and dry him. It was a busy and tired day, but I still enjoyed it. 

CHATGPT version:

I was exhausted after a few drinks last night. I’m not as strong and positive-minded as I thought. The recent lack of sunny days may have contributed to my feeling down. Nevertheless, I trust in God to guide me toward a better path.

Oh, I need to keep a record of Theo's first swimming experience. We took him to the swimming pool yesterday morning. I was glad that it was sunny and not chilly when he swam.

His session was from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We arrived 20 minutes early for registration. After registering, we received a bag of dog supplies, including a bag of treats. Each pet was allowed only one companion in the pool area, so I had a colored collar to identify our entry.

The pool water was surprisingly warm, but Theo didn’t enjoy it despite the presence of many dogs his size. He was scared and refused to get close to the pool. In fact, only three dogs were swimming; the others were running and chasing each other by the poolside.

After his swimming session, we stayed for half an hour to explore the booths and watch the big dogs swim. They presented a completely different scene, as most of them were eager to swim or jump into the pool.

When we got back home, we needed to give Theo a bath and dry him off. It was a busy and tiring day, but I still enjoyed it.

POLISHED version:

I was completely worn out after a few drinks last night. I’m not as strong and positive-minded as I had thought. The recent lack of sunny days might be contributing to my feelings of depression. However, I trust that God will guide me towards a better path.

I want to document Theo's first swimming experience. We took him to the pool yesterday morning. Thankfully, the weather was sunny and not too chilly during his swim.

His session was from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and we arrived 20 minutes early for registration. After registering, we received a bag of dog supplies, including some treats. Each pet was allowed only one companion in the pool area, so I wore a colored collar to identify our entry.

The pool water was surprisingly warm, but Theo didn’t seem to enjoy it, despite there being several dogs his size. He was nervous and refused to approach the pool. In fact, only three dogs were swimming; the rest were running and playing around the poolside.

After his swim, we spent half an hour browsing the booths and watching the larger dogs swim. The scene with them was quite different; most were eager to swim or jump into the pool.

When we got home, we had to give Theo a bath and dry him off. It was a busy and tiring day, but I still enjoyed it.

