Sept 16, 2024

Tomorrow is a Mid-autumn festival, I wish every Hongkonger will had a peaceful holiday. 

Yesterday we went to Riverwood park and watch the salmon return, it still too early therefore we saw nothing.  We had a 2 hours hiking forward and back, it caused Theo was tired. He was being a lazy boy recently. When we took him just for hike or walk, he was not willing to walk by himself. He was sitting on the ground to show he refused to walk anymore. Sometime I forced him or lured him by treats. 

CHATGPT version: 

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish every Hongkonger a peaceful holiday.

Yesterday, we went to Riverwood Park to watch the salmon return. It was still too early, so we didn't see any. We hiked for two hours, going back and forth, which made Theo quite tired. He has been acting a bit lazy recently. When we take him out for a hike or walk, he often refuses to walk by himself, sitting down to show his reluctance. Sometimes I have to either coax him with treats or encourage him forcefully.

POLISHED version:

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish all Hongkongers a peaceful and joyous holiday.

Yesterday, we visited Riverwood Park to observe the salmon return. Unfortunately, it was still too early in the season, so we didn’t see any. We ended up hiking for two hours, back and forth, which left Theo quite exhausted. He’s been a bit lazy lately; when we go for a hike or a walk, he often refuses to walk on his own and sits down to protest. Sometimes I have to coax him with treats or encourage him more assertively.

