Sept 13, 2024

 I broke the rule last night and let Theo slept with me again.

 At the begin Wing did lure him into a crate. One hour later I heard his whisper and  afraid he felt hot that cause  me let him slept in my room.  Even he was stayed in my room, I had to turn on the fan during he slept.  I need to make sure he won't feel too hot, eventually dog's temperature is much higher than us.

I'm so tired this morning due to a lack of quality sleep last night. However, Theo was vomited before a morning walk. When we met Chester's owner, I didn't give too much respond to her. And then I saw Enzo's owner and Enzo were ahead to the park, we were walked an opposite way to avoid them. My brain is empty, I just want a quiet morning without talking to anyone. 

CHATGPT version:

I broke the rule last night and let Theo sleep with me again.

At the beginning, Wing did lure him into a crate. One hour later, I heard his whisper and, afraid he might be too hot, I decided to let him sleep in my room. Even though he was in my room, I had to turn on the fan while he slept. I needed to make sure he wouldn’t feel too hot; after all, a dog’s body temperature is much higher than ours.

I’m so tired this morning due to a lack of quality sleep last night. Additionally, Theo vomited before our morning walk. When we met Chester’s owner, I didn’t respond much. Then I saw Enzo’s owner and Enzo heading toward the park, so we walked in the opposite direction to avoid them. My mind is blank; I just want a quiet morning without talking to anyone.

Polished version:

I broke the rule last night and let Theo sleep with me again.

Initially, Wing had lured him into a crate. An hour later, I heard him whimpering and, concerned that he might be too hot, I decided to let him sleep in my room. Even though he was in my room, I had to turn on the fan while he slept to ensure he didn’t get too warm. After all, a dog’s body temperature is much higher than ours.

I’m exhausted this morning due to a lack of quality sleep last night. Additionally, Theo vomited before our morning walk. When we met Chester’s owner, I didn’t respond much. Later, I saw Enzo’s owner and Enzo heading toward the park, so we walked in the opposite direction to avoid them. My mind is blank; I just wanted a quiet morning without talking to anyone.

