Sept 20, 2024

 I skipped to write a diary because I was so sick in past 2 days. Even thought I had low energy and so sick, I still took Theo to walk twice a day. Yesterday morning, he could play with Enzo, Charlies and Prince. He was so happy when he had zoomie around at home.

I felt so sorry to Theo, sometime I had avoid to meet with Enzo's owner because I didn't want to talk in the morning. Maybe I need to change my mind and think it positive way. I would speak with some native to improve my speaking and Theo can play with Enzo. Both are win win situation.

CHATGPT version:

I skipped writing in my diary because I was so sick for the past two days. Even though I had low energy and felt terrible, I still took Theo for walks twice a day. Yesterday morning, he got to play with Enzo, Charlie, and Prince. He was so happy zooming around the house!

I feel really sorry for Theo. Sometimes I avoided meeting Enzo's owner because I didn’t want to talk in the morning. Maybe I need to change my mindset and think positively. I could practice speaking with some native speakers, and that way Theo can play with Enzo too. It would be a win-win situation for both of us.

POLISHED version:

I haven’t written in my diary for the past two days because I was feeling quite sick. Despite my low energy, I still managed to take Theo for walks twice a day. Yesterday morning, he had the chance to play with Enzo, Charlie, and Prince, and he was so happy zooming around the house!

I feel bad for Theo; sometimes I’ve avoided meeting Enzo's owner because I didn’t want to talk in the mornings. I realize I need to change my mindset and think positively. Engaging with some native speakers would help improve my speaking skills, and it would also allow Theo to play with Enzo. It could be a win-win situation for both of us.

