Sept 6, 2024

 Follow Melody Tam instruction that if I want to improve the writing skill, I need to write something everyday. I'm trying to keep a diary and  one day my English will get an improvement. 

Today I woke up at 7:30 a.m and brought Theo to a morning walk. Unfortunately, he was out of control. He had barked so badly to Mochi that made me so embarrassing. I'm always gratefully that Mochi's owner is a very nice and understandable to me, He won't avoid Theo and me because of Theo is unstable dog. 

After a walk, Theo is still an energetic doggie. He needs to play a ball and his toys a while before a nap time. 

Thank you Gods to let Theo goes into my life and make my life more colorful and joyful. 

CHATGPT version:

Follow Melody Tam's instruction that if I want to improve my writing skills, I need to write something every day. I'm trying to keep a diary, and one day my English will improve.

Today I woke up at 7:30 a.m. and took Theo for a morning walk. Unfortunately, he was out of control. He barked so much at Mochi that it was really embarrassing for me. I'm always grateful that Mochi's owner is very kind and understanding. He won’t avoid Theo and me because Theo is an unstable dog.

After the walk, Theo was still very energetic. He needs to play with a ball and his toys for a while before nap time.

Thank you, Gods, for bringing Theo into my life and making it more colorful and joyful.

POLISHED version:

Following Melody Tam's advice, I've committed to writing every day to improve my writing skills. I’m keeping a diary with the hope that my English will get better over time.

Today, I woke up at 7:30 a.m. and took Theo for a morning walk. Unfortunately, he was quite unruly. He barked so aggressively at Mochi that it was quite embarrassing for me. I’m always grateful that Mochi's owner is very kind and understanding. He doesn’t avoid us, despite Theo’s unpredictable behavior.

After our walk, Theo still had a lot of energy. He needed to play with his ball and toys for a while before he was ready for his nap.

Thank you, Gods, for bringing Theo into my life and making it more vibrant and joyful.

